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Facing A Possible Driving Ban?
Get One of Our Barristers on Your Side Today...

motoring barristerEach one of our panel barristers is specially selected for their expertise

driving banTransparent, fixed fees so you know where you stand at the very outset. We know how the motoring offence process works - we know how to get results;

motoring barristerNO-NONSENSE, STRAIGHT TALKING ADVICE from barristers who know the court system, understand and practise motoring law and are expertly familiar with the real life situations... just like yours

driving banOur Client Tesitmonials Speak for Themselves:

"I would like to congratulate you on winning my case and to thank you for your efforts and all the support I was given during the court process. As my driving offences lawyer you have explained my defence options clearly and done the right thing and I won the case. I never thought I could win it, but now I have my clean license and I am over the moon. Thank you very much." AT, London

"Your expertise at presenting my case was self-evident. I am pretty sure that without your help I would have been on the buses!" Nick K, Oxford

12 Points Driving Ban?

If you are facing 12 points on your licence or disqualification for any other reason (such as excessive speed) then the good news is that we have particular expertise in this area. Both we and our panel barristers are proven experts in making sure that your driving ban case or appeal is thoroughly prepared and presented to the Magistrates or Crown Court (as the case may be).

You will no doubt be aware that if the endorsements on your licence reaches 12 points within three years then the court will disqualify you for a minimum of 6 months, you will receive a madatory driving ban plus speeding fines (speeding fine plus costs and victim surcharge) commensurate to your income and the sentencing guidelines. In short, on first blush, the court have no option but to ban you for at least half a year. Unless, that is, you can successfully persuade a court that they should not disqualify based on 'exceptional hardship'. You should never run this argument without being properly represented, in our experience. It is not easy to succeed. We have had great and numerous successes in persuading Magistrates not to disqualify based on this argument. We believe that this is as a result of proper and detailed preparation in advance and knowing what usually suffices so as to persuade the court, so that you have the best chance of not being disqualified.

We are honest at the outset and, free of charge, will 'tell it to you straight' as to whether you have a proper and valid exceptional hardship argument that we can probably succeed on. And then, we will represent you to the highest standard. One client recently wrote to us after being allowed to continue driving despite totting up to 13 points:

driving ban"Without your help I would never have been able to save my driving licence after getting over 12 points on it.Your team was very helpful and kind and knew how to handle the situation in the court room." VD, Slough

Of course, he did receive a fine for his speeding offence but that is unavoidable. The crucial thing is that he wasn't simply disqualified for the usual obligatory six months - a fine he could afford... but a six month ban would have lost him his job, his house and left his family in financial ruin. We avoided that for him.

Driving Without Insurance cases

This is an offence which is increasingly pursued by the police. And not just when you are actually driving without any insurance policy in place at all. Rather they are much keener to try to analyse the policy and place you outside of its terms. One example is where a person gives some friends a lift in their car but they offer to provide petrol money. Most policies exclude or at least do not expressly cover driving a person for 'hire or reward' - in other words taxi driving. However, what if the police stop you and allege that having received money you were outwith the terms of your insurance so were effectively driving with no insurance? The chances are that no matter how strong your protestations the CPS will take it to court. There are many more examples - whatever situation you face though, it is likely that we will have dealt with a similar scenario.

To see how we can help you today, please contact us now via the web form at the top of this page or simply call us. We would love to hear from you and a lawyer will call you back to discuss your case, for free.

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